

UCL Faculty of Laws


UCL Laws PhD candidate representing wronged Subpostmasters in ongoing Post Office Inquiry

5 February 2024

Flora Page, PhD Candidate at UCL Faculty of Laws, discusses her representation of wronged Subpostmasters in the ongoing Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry.

Flora Page

The UK Post Office Inquiry is currently ongoing, looking into how computer error, corporate incompetence and potentially problematic lawyering led to hundreds of Subpostmasters being falsely accused, and in some circumstances, convicted, of criminal offences.

UCL Laws PhD candidate Flora Page, who is also a barrister at 23 Essex Street Chambers, recently represented former Subpostmistress Kathleen Crane who had her Post Office conviction quashed on the Ground that it was an "affront to the public conscience”, which happens rarely and only in the most egregious cases of prosecutorial misconduct.

Mrs Crane’s case followed the original Post Office appeal,, in whichFloraacted for three appellants, Seema Misra, Janet Skinner and Tracy Felstead. She was led by Paul Marshall, and instructed by Nick Gould of Aria Grace Solicitors. These three brave women made it possible for subsequent appeals like Mrs Crane’s to succeed on this rare Ground.

Read more on how members of UCL Laws are involved in the Post Office Inquiry