
The LonDownS Consortium


Study Information

In this section of our website you will find information for people with Down syndrome and for those who care for someone with Down syndrome about taking part in our studies . 

Our studies are with infants with Down syndrome from 6 months - 5 years old and adults with Down syndrome over the age of 16 years. For adults, we are also running brain imaging studies using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). 

To find out more about taking part in one of our studies, have a look at the sections below.

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Infants with Down syndrome

Our researchers at Birkbeck, University of London conduct research with infants with Down syndrome between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. The research involves a visit to our labs in central London and usually an overnight stay (with all expenses paid). 

To find out more about the study, have a look at our information sheet for parents.

Alternatively you can e-mail downsyndrome@bbk.ac.uk

Adults with Down syndrome

Our researchers based at UCL visit adults with Down syndrome for our study. We usually visit participants in their homes but we are flexible. The research assessment typically lasts between two and three hours. Our and our have more details about the research assessment.

Alternatively, you can e-mail downsyndrome@ucl.ac.uk

Brain imaging: EEG study

The assessment will take about 1 hour and participants and their carers will need to travel to UCL for this assessment (travel costs will be reimbursed).

A special cap that contains electrodes to measure brain activity will be placed on the participant's head. The participants need to sit as still as possible while the test is being done. Our and our contain more information.


The data we collect will help us understand the differences in brain activity and whether they are linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease in people with Down's syndrome.

Please e-mail downsyndrome@ucl.ac.uk for more information.

Brain imaging: fNIRS study

Our fNIRS research is carried out at UCL, on Tottenham Court Road and the assessment usually lasts about two hours. The researcher will use a special cap to look at blood flow in the participant's brain to form a picture of brain activity. The information sheet for family and carers and the information sheet for participants contain more information.

Alternatively, e-mail Rosalyn Hithersay (r.hithersay@ucl.ac.uk) for more information about taking part. 

Contact us for more information 

  • You can send us an email at downsyndrome@ucl.ac.uk
  • Call our Research Project Manager on 0207 679 9055
  • Call our Research Associate on 0207 679 9314

Our postal address is:

UCL Division of Psychiatry 

6th floor, Maple House

149 Tottenham Court Road

London W1T 7NF