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Control of personnel:

(1) name lists

Name lists were used across time as an effective control mechanism

They vary in expression and formal structure:

(2) rotating staff

Monthly rotation of staff offered tight accountability

This system is attested for temple staff (not priests alone - this includes doorkeepers etc); at Lahun there were four teams or 'watches' (Egyptologists often use the Greek word 'phyle') for staff looking after the pyramid complex

Each 'watch' provided staff from a listed pool of possible recruits

Every month, outgoing and incoming teams agree that all is in order in a temple; written record was kept of this agreement in the temple day-book

It would be in the interest of any incoming team to report any negative aspect; otherwise they risked being held responsible, for example for damage or loss of items, when handing over to the next group

On the four watch system, each watch provided staff three times in the twelve month year - convenient for the accountant

In the Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC) and again in the Ptolemaic Period, a system of five watches operated in temples.



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