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Amarna: the tomb for the king and his family


royal tomb at Amarna

the architecture and the decoration are published: Martin 1989, the finds are published: Martin 1974


Finds from the king's tomb in the Petrie Museum:

UC 007
UC 2236
UC 12458
UC 24283
Martin 1974: 49, no. 97
Martin 1974: 49, no. 99
Martin 1974: 80, no. 294
Martin 1974: 66, no. 211
UC 007, shabti of Akhnaton UC 2236 UC 12458 UC 23283
other views
1 | 2
'heart scarab'
another view


UC 007 and UC 2236 were bought by Petrie in 1892 shortly after Barsanti excavated the royal tomb at Amarna. UC 12458 is generally considered a fake.


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