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Roman Period architecture

Most of the architectural forms know from the Roman world are also attested in Egypt. However, the number of recorded or excavated buildings is very small. References in written sources give the impression that at least the nome capitals were equipped with a number of public buildings in Roman style, such as temple, basilica and even theatres. Amphitheatres are not attested in Egypt:they are rare throughout the Eastern part of the Roman empire.

architecturals remains:

Memphis | Oxyrhynchus

without provenance:


Roman towns in Egypt | Egyptian style architecture

further reading:

Pensabene 1992

Some examples (excluding Alexandria and Naukratis)

bath houses (very common)
temple in classical style
tetraskyla - (four monumental columns) at the intersection of main streets.
komasteria (procession house, basilica type building, only attested in Egypt)



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