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Kings of the Second Intermediate Period

Note on numbers with kings: many modern writers use numbers to distinguish like-named kings, for example Amenemhat V for Amenemhat Sekhemkare: unfortunately, though, the sequence is both incomplete and uncertain, and Amenemhat Sekhemkare might not have been the first king Amenemhat after Amenemhat IV. Therefore it is recommended that kings be cited by prenomen together with nomen: the numbers most often assigned to Thirteenth Dynasty kings are given in brackets in the list below, for reference, but note that earlier publications tend to give different numbers for these kings (e.g. the king now often called 'Sobekhotep IV' might be a different number in earlier Egyptological publications). In the list below, the nomen is given first, as it is most often cited in Egyptology: in ancient Egyptian sources the prenomen would always come first.

Kings of the 13th Dynasty (arranged mainly after the Turin kinglist, Ryholt 1997: 71) and contemporary sources.

Kings only attested in Upper Egypt (late Thirteenth or Seventeenth Dynasty)

Kings of the Fourteenth Dynasty (only the kings known from contemporary sources)

Kings of the Second Intermediate Period with foreign names and only known from seals (position very uncertain, but not earlier than mid Thirteenth Dynasty)

Fifteenth Dynasty (Hyksos)

Seventeenth Dynasty


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