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some representative finds from the 'Main Deposit' in the Petrie Museum

date: Early Dynastic - Old Kingdom

Faience objects

UC 11014 UC 15007
UC 15009 UC 14893

UC 11019
UC 15017
UC 11019 UC 11019 UC 15017 UC 15017

limestone figure of a baboon
UC 15000

mace heads

UC 14894 UC 14897
Quibell 1900: pl.XXV; Adams 1974: 13, no. 79, pl. 6
Adams 1974: 5, no. 4, pl. 5
UC 14895
Adams 1974: 5, no. 8, pl. 5


UC 15094
UC 15094 red topped ware, Sowada 1999: 89-90, fig. 1b, pl. XV.2 (First-Third Dynasty)



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