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Koptos, stela of king Rahotep (about 1600 BC ?)

Three fragments of limestone stela of King Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhaw, relating to renovating work of the king in the Koptos temple.

a translation:

1. (year ... under) the Majesty of Horus Wah-ankh, Two Ladies Weserrenput, Horus of Gold, Wad ... (... Son of) Re Rahotep, given life.
2. His Majesty (said?) to his nobles and the courtiers who were in his following ... the temple ... My Majesty found (concerning) my father
3. (Min), who is at the head of all gods, that his gates and doors had fallen into ruin, (They did obeisance ? before) his Majesty and said: What your ka (commands).
4. shall come to pass, O king, our lord. It is Hu, indeed, who is in your mouth, and Sia (who is in your heart). Ptah-Sokar ...
5. the gods fashioned you ... that you might act for them to found their temples ...
6. You have united Upper and Lower Egypt. May your heart be joyful upon the Horus-throne of the living ... You are ruling what the sun (encircles)
7. ... the god (...) of the people, the refuge of all...night ... in sleeping
8. ... the gods in seeking what is beneficial to this land. Re has placed you as his image ... what is removed (?)...
9.... as it was in the time of your fathers, the kings who followed Horus. Never was ... lost in my time
10. ... which existed formerly. I made monuments for the gods ... wonders, which were brought ...

UC 14327

after Stewart 1979: 17-18, no. 78


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