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The Hymn to the Nile flood

Principal sources

Hieratic papyri of Ramesside date:

  1. Papyrus Chester Beatty V
  2. Papyrus Sallier II
  3. Papyrus Anastasi VII
  4. Turin Papyrus (after Helck 1972)

Sources in the Petrie Museum

Hieratic ostraca from the Ramesseum:

  1. UC 33007 (Spiegelberg 1898: pl.10, no.92), first section
  2. UC 33010 (Spiegelberg 1898: pl.10, no.90), title only

Other sources (after Helck 1972)

Hieratic writing-boards:

  1. Louvre 693
  2. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Hieratic ostraca:

  1. Golenischeff 4470
  2. Wilson collection
  3. Deir el-Medina 1024
  4. Deir el-Medina 1027
  5. Deir el-Medina 1034
  6. Deir el-Medina 1050
  7. Deir el-Medina 1051
  8. Deir el-Medina 1052
  9. Deir el-Medina 1053
  10. Deir el-Medina 1094
  11. Deir el-Medina 1176
  12. Deir el-Medina 1190
  13. Deir el-Medina 1191
  14. Deir el-Medina 1192
  15. Deir el-Medina 1193
  16. Gardiner 314 (now in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
  17. Leipzig 29
  18. Michaelides 30

Some ostraca noted from other collections could not be traced for the synoptic edition Helck 1972 (Turin 6356, 6805, 6960, 6979).


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