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Book of the Dead Chapter 31

Source for the composition: before the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC), chapter 31 occurs among funerary compositions on the walls of early Middle Kingdom coffins ('Coffin Texts', number 342) The following version is that in the papyrus of Nu

r n xsf msH… m-a.f m Xrt-nTr
HA.k ha HA.k swy m iw r.i
anx.i m HkAw.i im.i Dd rn.k pwy n nTr aA dd iwt.k
wpwty rn n wa bdty rn n ky
Hr.k n mAat
Sn.n pt m wnwt.s
Sn.n HkAw grg.f
Sn.n r.i HkAw imyw.f
ibHw.i m ds nHdt.i m Dw-ft
i.hHms bksw ir.f n HkAw
...k it sw msH pf anx m HkAw

Formula for repelling the crocodile [come to take the power of N] from him in the necropolis
Back! Down! Back, crocodile! Do not come at me
I live on my power, let me not tell that your name to the great god who sent you
Messenger is name of one, baboon name of another
Turn to Maat
The sky has conjured by her hours
Power has conjured its illusions - My mouth has conjured the power within it
My teeth are of flint, my bite is as the Viper Mountain
O seat of the spine, who makes by power.
(do not let) that crocodile seize it, who lives on power


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