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Book of the Dead Chapter 84 (picture)

This chapter is among the Formulae for assuming the shape of a divine being animal, or bird. The following version is from that found in Papyrus Cairo 2512, an Eighteenth Dynasty manuscript.

r n irt xprw m snty
in sxm ntt m kAw mdsw im tp.sn Hnskt imy fkt.sn
iAw Axw spdw m Sat
di.f r tA Ts pXr in wsr.i nxt ir qA pt
twri.n.i ir wsx iw tA r niwt grg
Sm.i spsw.i m wnw xAa nTrw hr wAt.sn sn.n.i nw imyw kari.sn
n rx.i nwn n rx.i tA twy n rx.n.i dSrt
sTA.n.i abw.sn rx.i HqAw sDm.i mdw.f
ink mAiw ipn dSrw nty m timsw
Dd-mdw in nTrw xft iw.sn
r.f xr.i iw nhpw m-xmt.tn iw xmt sAtn
iw spw m Xt.i
n Dd.i Hw n Dd.i isft m sfx mAat iw min
Hp mAaty inHwy
xAw Xnty r.s Hb
sDr qr iAw sAw tA.s

Formula for taking the form of a heron

It is the most powerful of the bulls, sharpest upon them, the tress on their shavenness
Eldest of the blessed dead, honed in slaughter
It attacks land, and vice versa, it is my might that prevails to the height of the sky
I receive respect, achieving broad pace arriving at land, at the city in founding (?)
I proceed, dishevelled in passing the gods on their way, passing those in their chapels
I do not know Nun, I do not know that land, I do not know the desert
I have drawn their purity, I know Power, I hear his voice
I am that red lion who is in blood-red
Words spoken by the gods at their lament
Off before me, dawn is ignorant of you, your guard is unknown,
There are spots in my body,
I said no excess, I said no lie, in unleashing truth to today,
at the course of the true one on my lashes
the night of sailing on the festival
of resting, excellent of the aged ones, protecting its land


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