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Memphis in the Late Period (1069-332 BC)

In the Late Period Memphis was still one of the most important cities in Egypt. The cult of the Apis bull, prominent in Egyptian kingship and religion since the Early Dynastic Period, became even more important. Little of the architecture of the city has survived, with the exception of the palace of Apries, one of the most substantial palatial buildings extant from this or any period. During their occupation of Egypt from 525 to 404 BC, the Achaemenid Iranians ruled from Memphis. Memphis is one of the few places in the country with a considerable number of objects from that time.

(click on the images for more information)

some objects with the name of Nakhtnebef
the palace of Apries
finds from the Persian Period
high quality relief
UC 16440
palace of Apries, view
UC 58385
Memphis in the Late Period, plan
UC 16153

(click on the images for a larger picture)

Hes vase; faience
corner post of door with name of Ahmose
(royal) statue
UC 15818 UC 56476 UC 14630
UC 14510
UC 14506


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