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Memphis in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

Memphis was already in the early 18th Dynasty the administrative centre of the country, with royal palaces. The importance of the city grew under Amenhotep III, who built a temple dedicated to the royal cult (only known from references in inscriptions). Many high officials of the king were buried at Saqqara, the necropolis of the town. Akhenaten built an Aten temple (see the block in the Petrie Museum) in the city. Under Tutankhamun the city was the main centre of the country, most of the high officials were buried here. Ramesses II moved his residence in the Eastern Delta (Qantir, Piramesse), but there are many important monuments left by the king in the city, including some colossus statues and a columend hall (west hall).

votive stelae found at Memphis
Ear stelae
the 'west hall'
map of Ramesside Memphis
Fragment of a royal decree
UC 14392, stela found at Memphis
UC 14432, ear stela
'west hall' in Memphis
UC 14471, New Kingdom relief from Saqqara
map of Ramesside Memphis
UC 14391

the palace of Merenptah


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