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Nubt, scarabs and seal impressions from the town of the late Middle Kingdom
(Petrie/Quibell 1896: pl. LXXX)

UC 11353
(Martin 1971: no. 541); amethyst with gold plate
UC 11546
(Martin 1971: no. 949)

Xkrt niswt mw-nw-ib
'the king's ornament Munuib

(king) Kha-nefer-re (Sobekhotep IV) begotten of the god's father Haankhef

seal impressions

UC 26338 (Martin1971: no. 683)
... the vizier ... mnw, true of voice (the vizier Nebsumenu?)

UC 26344
seal impressions, mentioning the idnw n imi-r xtmt nb-swmnw 'deputy treasurer Nebsumenu' (Martin1971: no. 676)



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