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Sedment tomb 1611

date: First Intermediate Period or early Middle Kingdom (about 2000 BC)

disturbed burial in a simple shaft tomb in a yellow painted coffin with Udjat eyes on it (1.85 x 0.45 x 0.45 m);
the sex of the owner is unknown (Petrie/Brunton 1924: pl. XXXVIII; Seidlmayer 1990: 334)

See the tomb cards (for the selection of objects in the tomb compare: burial customs).

The pottery in the tomb is the essential selection found in many tombs of the First Intermediate Period: a drinking bowl and a vessel for pouring water (or other liquid). These two vessel types are also often shown on stelae of the period (compare the stela from Denderah), where a servant is holding the jug in one hand, while offering the bowl to the owner of the stela with his other hand. This seems to be then not a scene of daily life so much as a ritual that secures an eternal supply of food and drink; this ritual is evidently also created in burials with the two vessels (Seidlmayer 2001: 242-244).

UC 18157 (8n)
UC 18158 (64l)
UC 18157 UC 18158

arrows (not mentioned in the publication but in the tomb cards, the paper is modern)
UC 63172

pottery not in the Petrie Museum: 17h, 36r, 38c, 89g, 90p, 94p

other finds not in the Petrie Museum: a headrest; a collar, model tools (see the drawings in the notebook), flax bat


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