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Kafr Ammar Tomb 99

Dating: Early Roman (First century AD)

Petrie/Mackay 1915: 38 ('Grave 99 was undisturbed. It contained a female body with head to the west and facing upwards')

Objects found: calcite vessels , a necklace, a gold ring, a pendant

(click on the objects on the plan) /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/kaframmartomb99/kaframmartomb99goldring.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/kaframmartomb99/kaframmartomb99necklace.html

/museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/kaframmartomb99/kaframmartomb99goldring.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/kaframmartomb99/kaframmartomb99necklace.html kaframmartomb99pottry.html kaframmartomb99pottry.html

Petrie/Mackay 1915: 38, pl. XXXIX, 15-19, 22-24

No measurements are published



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