
UCL News


European Commission Releases Draft Horizon Europe 2023 – 2024 Work Programmes

1 December 2022

The European Commission (EC) has made available the draft 2023-2024 Horizon Europe Work Programmes, which are expected to be officially adopted and published shortly.

European Commission

Please visit the EC’s official Horizon Europe to view and download the Work Programmes.

While the Horizon Europe guarantee currently covers all calls with deadlines on or before 31 December 2022, we continue to encourage UK academics to apply for calls in 2023 as the UK remains eligible to apply, as stated in the , and to liaise with the European Research & Innovation Office (ERIO) to discuss upcoming funding opportunities.

ERIO also continues to hold Horizon Europe drop-in sessions every Friday at 14:00–15:00 UK time. These sessions are open to both Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ colleagues and external collaborators, to discuss any questions or opportunities arising from participation in Horizon Europe. For details on Horizon Europe and the drop-in sessions please visit Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ Horizon Europe webpage.

UCL receives £9.5m to mitigate the impact of continuing delays to Horizon Europe association

UCL has received £9.5m of additional funding designed to help mitigate the impact of continuing delays to Horizon Europe. This includes an additional £5m of Quality-Related (QR) funding, an additional £3m for research infrastructure through the Research Capital Investment Fund and an additional £1.5m to support the retention of talent and to address vulnerabilities at local level.

The funding, which will need to be spent by the end of March 2023, forms part of announced by the Government on 21 November 2022. It provides immediate, additional investment designed to protect and stabilise the R&D sector in response to the continued delay of UK association to Horizon Europe, Euratom and Fusion for Energy and complements the Horizon Europe guarantee already in operation.

While the UK Government’s preference remains securing association, it has stressed that the UK cannot wait indefinitely. Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ Horizon Europe Response Group (HERG), chaired by Professor Geraint Rees, continues to monitor the situation closely, while researchers are encouraged to continue to apply for funding as normal, with funding awarded secure under the .