

UCL News


Student Satisfaction at լƵ increases above sector and Russell Group averages

6 July 2022

The 2022 National Student Survey (NSS), published today, shows that nearly 80% of UCL final year undergraduate students are satisfied with the overall quality of their UCL education, up 1.9% on 2021.

Two students sit together on the Portico steps looking at a mobile phone screen

լƵ is now ranked in the top quartile in the Russell Group for the first time for Learning Resources, Learning Opportunities and Student Voice, and in the second quartile for every other category.

Scores increased for almost every category of the NSS, except for Assessment & Feedback which decreased slightly by 0.6%. The biggest improvements compared to last year are in Learning Resources, which increased by 9.2%, putting us second among the Russell Group universities which have increased by 5.5%.

Professor Kathleen Armour, UCL Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience), said:

“Your feedback informs the improvements we are making to education and your experience as a student at UCL. After welcoming youback to campus, we are pleased to see positive increases across so many areas. We listen carefully to what you are telling us, and understand we still have work to do, particularly in the area of Assessment & Feedback.

Through the strategic plan, we will develop a Teaching and Assessment framework which will set out the principles for how we make sureyou benefit from an excellent approach to education, as well as addressing some of our underlying challenges through investing in our structures and campus.”

Ayman Benmati, Students’ Union UCL EducationOfficer, said:

“It is really positive to see improvements across a number of key areas at UCL, particularly in areas that had significant development and innovation during the pandemic. As we move forward from the disruption of Covid 19, the progress made to improve accessibility and learning resources is now embedded in լƵ ways of working and reflected in the increase in satisfaction.

Feedback given in the NSS is used by our network of over 2,000 academic representatives to make improvements across our university.

Keep raising important issues, and we’ll keep working in partnership with UCL to make improvements.”

Your feedback is shaping UCL

Professor Armour added:

“71% of our final year undergraduates took part in NSS 2022 – I’d like to thank every student who gave their feedback. Such a high response is alsotribute to the hard work of UCL staff who engage their students to make sure you know how your feedback is helping to shape UCL.”

See how student feedback has inspired change at UCL.