

UCL News


Improved travel booking process for UCL staff and students coming next week

14 February 2024

լƵ travel management company Clarity provides staff and students with a UCL-dedicated service for travel bookings including flights, hotels, trains, events, groups and conferences.

Two high-speed trains waiting in the platform at a London railway station

We have been listening to staff feedback on our travel booking processes at UCL and working to make improvements in response.

Based off this feedback, Clarity Travel will be replacing our current platform, ”Go2Book", with an enhanced version, "ClarityGO", for booking flights, trains and accommodation. ClarityGO will go live for UCL staff and students next Wednesday, 21 February.

Clarity is available to staff and students for UCL-funded travel bookings, for example when travelling on UCL business and for academic studies.

What changes can I expect now?

In anticipation for the change, we have been beta testing ClarityGO’s platform with groups of UCL staff making travel bookings and collating further user feedback for the past months.

Responses have indicated an improved user experience of functionality, responsiveness and useability.

The booking steps remain the same for staff and students to take, but ClarityGO offers enhanced functionality including access to more content with over a million hotels and air options, a simplified Rail fare view highlighting the cheapest fares available and where there are limited tickets left available, clearer visuals showing what’s included in your airfare or hotel rate including simplified cancellation terms and downloadable confirmations and e-tickets.

Are there other improvements coming in the near future?

The Clarity team are working on further improvements including the ability to book Eurostar directly through ClarityGO, a mobile check-in option for flights, a mobile app, integrated train tickets with smartphone wallets and the ability to view third party reviews such as Tripadvisor.

We will be communicating advice on how to make these arrangements using alternative processes as part of the FAQs released next week and will be providing more details on when these changes will be available soon.

How can I book travel?

Clarity offers different travel booking processes for simple travel bookings, for complex travel bookings, for student fieldtrips or for events, groups & conference bookings. The booking steps remain the same for these and there are options to book via the online booking tool, live chat, phone or email.

The information on our Travel webpages and staff and student pages will be updated to include the link for the new ClarityGO platform along with our how-to guides and some FAQs. We will also share this directly to staff and students to remind them of processes, and there will always be an opportunity to continue to feedback your thoughts so that we can continue to improve your booking experience.

The Go2Book option will remain running for a short period to ease the transition, but we encourage all users to use the improved ClarityGO platform.