

UCL News


UCL academic recognised as future leader of Japanese research

9 January 2024

Professor Kazuya Saito (IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education & Society) has been announced as one of 25 young academics to receive the 20th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Prize, recognising him as a future leader of scientific research in Japan.

Professor Kazuya Saito (IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education & Society) receiving his award

The JSPS Prize supports Japanese academics in various fields of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences who are under the age of 45, providinga platform for enhanced research abilities at an earlierstage in their careers. First establishedin 2004, the award consists of a certificate of merit, a medal, and a purse of JPY 1.1 million(approximately £6,000).

Upon receiving his award, Professor Saito will also have the honour of meeting Fumihito, the Crown Prince of Japan, at a ceremony in Tokyo in March 2024.

Professor Saito’s research is focused on second language (L2) learning and itspositive impact on job prospects, cultural understandingand overall well-being in today’s interconnected world. Findings show that individuals with highproficiencyin L2 speechgenerally haveveryaccurateauditory processing skills, and that a lack of such precision in auditory processing can impede the speed of learning.

Furthermore, evidence suggests that combining training in both auditory and language skills can enhance L2 learning, particularly for those with weaker auditory processing abilities, a group often overlooked in both research and teaching methodologies.

To qualify for the JSPS Prize, anacademic must have published papers or articles in scientific journals and other publications in Japan or abroad andobtained excellent scientific research achievements. Professor Saito received a nomination from Professor Motoaki Sugiura of Tohoku University andis one ofjusttwo prize winners to conduct their research outside of Japan.

Professor Saito said: “As someone who has been away from Japan for some time, this prize holds special significance as it representsrecognition of my research in my homeland. Itwill be a great honourto have the opportunity to meet and share my story with Fumihito, Crown Prince of Japan.”

Professor Kazuya Saito (IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education & Society) The award also demonstratesthe successful partnership fostered between UCL and Tohoku University, throughwhich Professor Saito’s team within UCL's Institute of Education won funding on two occasions.

The group has developed strong ties with the neuroscience team at the Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, at Tohoku University, which is oneaspect of UCL's160-year relationship with Japanese universities and businesses.

Professor Saito continued: “Without the collaboration opportunities with Tohoku University, I would not have had this opportunity to reconnect and maximise the academic possibilities in Japan. With this recognition, I hope my story will inspire more young scholars to appreciate the value of international and interdisciplinary collaborations.”



  • (1) Updated 18/04/2024 - Professor Kazuya Saitoreceiving his awardwithCrown Prince Akishino Fumihito (left),Crown Princess Kiko (middle) andTsuyoshi Sugino - President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (right).
  • (2) A headshot of Professor Saito at the award ceremony

Media contact

Tom Cramp
