
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


CSLIR Projects

Ongoing and completed research conducted by CSLIR researchers.

Use of drawing as a means of investigating event-processing in severe aphasia
Carol Sacchett
Effects of two therapies for speech perception deficits in aphasia
Celia Woolf
An investigation of levels of processing in single word production in aphasia (NEST)
Ruth Herbert & Wendy Best
Spared syntax and impaired spell-out: The case of prepositions in Broca's and anomic aphasia
Simone Mätzig
Syntactic disorders in aphasia: From theory to therapy
Nicole Stadie, Astrid Schröder, Antje Lorenz, Frank Burchert & Ria De Bleser
A closer look at the brain and language
Jenny Crinion, Cathy Price
Patterns of word and non-word production in jargon aphasia
Emma Eaton, Jane Marshall & Tim Pring
Aphasia: Assessments & Interventions
David Howard
Supported communication to improve participation in rehabilitation of people with moderate-severe aphasia after stroke: a pilot study
Simon Horton, Val Pomeroy, Garry Barton, Allan Clark, Kneale Metcalf, John Mallett, Debbie Stanton, Patricia White, Kathleen Lane, Iona Mcrae & Norfolk Conversation Partners
Conversation and Communication Questionnaire for People with Aphasia (CCQA)
Simon Horton, Kate Humby
Patient Reported Outcome Measurement in Aphasia
Kate Swinburn,  Sally McVicker, Madeline Cruice, Lesley Smith, Suzanne Beeke, Wendy Best, Joanna Sweeney, Kate Gander, Cathy Price
Perception of biological motion in autism
Dagmara Annaz, Anna Remington, Elizabeth Milne, Ruth Campbell, Mike Coleman, Michael Thomas & John Swettenham
Selective attention and perceptual load in autism
Anna Remington, John Swettenham, Ruth Campbell, Mike Coleman
Cerebral Palsy
Evaluation of speech and language therapy for children using communication aids
Helen McConachie, Katie Price, Michael Clarke, Pam Wood, Nicola Grove
Outcomes for children with communication aids
Michael Clarke, Caroline Newton, Konstantinos Petrides, Tom Griffiths, Andrew Lysley & Kate Price
Conversation-based approaches
Better Conversations with Aphasia
Suzanne Beeke, Firle Beckley, Wendy Best, Susan Edwards, Matt Mahon, Jane Maxim, Nicola Sirman & Kate Swinburn
Factors that influence the effectiveness of conversation training for people with aphasia
Firle Beckley, Suzanne Beeke, Wendy Best
Evaluation of a training programme to facilitate conversation between people with aphasia and their partners
Rosemary Cunningham
Long term adaptation to conversation by people with aphasia and their partners
Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim and Suzanne Beeke
Investigating conversational grammar in aphasia: Towards a clinical assessment method
Suzanne Beeke, Wendy Best, Mick Perkins
The evaluation of a novel conversation-focused therapy for agrammatism
Suzanne Beeke, Wendy Best, Jane Maxim, Susan Edwards and Firle Cooper
Communication interventions for pre-school deaf children
Rachel Rees, Merle Mahon, Josephine Marriage, Rosalind Herman & Caroline Newton
Speechreading Training and Reading: The STAR Project
Mairéad MacSweeney,  Hannah Pimperton, Charles Hulme,  Margaret Harris, Fiona Kyle
Bilingual/EAL deaf children with cochlear implants
Merle Mahon, Debi Vickers, Kaukab Rajput, Gisela Szagun, Wolfgang Mann, Roz Barker
Spoken language development in EAL deaf children
Merle Mahon
Lexical overlap of words and gestures in deaf children's spoken language development
Merle Mahon, Theo Marinis & Dr Juliette Corrin
Developmental Language Disorder
Nuffield Early Language Intervention Project
Charles Hulme, Kelly Burgoyne, Maria Kyriacou, Silke Fricke, Alexandra Zosimidou, Liam Maxwell, Claudine Bowyer-Crane & Maggie Snowling
Memory and Word Learning in Students with Primary Developmental Language Learning Impairments
Karla McGregor
Production and comprehension of "wh" questions and passives
Susan Ebbels & Heather van der Lely
Comprehension of datives & "wh" comparative questions
Susan Ebbels
Intervention for verb argument structure in children with persistent SLI: a randomized control trial
Susan Ebbels, Heather van der Lely & Julie Dockrell
Past tense morphology use in written work
Susan Ebbels
Visualising and verbalising therapy to improve text comprehension
Jackie Scott, Gail Turner, Emma Sutton, Shirley Vinton & Susan Ebbels
The effects of adaptive training in auditory temporal processing on Specific Language Impairment: A Randomised Controlled Trial of 'FastForWordâ„¢'
James Boyle, Wendy Cohen, Ann Clark, Tariq Durrani, Elspeth McCartney, Mike Mattey, Lionel Naftalin, Anne O'Hare, Jocelynne Watson
A Randomised Controlled Trial and economic evaluation of direct versus indirect and individual versus group modes of speech and language therapy for children with Primary Language Impairment
James Boyle, John Forbes, Elspeth McCartney, Anne O'Hare
A survey and cohort intervention using indirect speech and language therapy for children with Primary Language Impairment in schools
James Boyle, Sue Ellis, Elspeth McCartney, Mary Turnbull
The development and validation of materials for use by classroom teachers working with children with Primary Language Impairment
James Boyle, Sue Ellis, Jane Kerr, Elspeth McCartney, Mary Turnbull
SLT services
Word-finding Difficulties

Wendy Best,  Jackie Masterson & Michael Thomas
Use of a cueing aid in therapy with adults with anomia
David Howard, Carolyn Bruce, Claire Gatehouse, Wendy Best
The use of phonological and orthographic cues in the treatment of word finding difficulties in aphasia
Wendy Best, Ruth Herbert, Julie Hickin, David Howard, Felicity Osborne
A Health Service investigation of the treatment of word finding difficulties in aphasia using sound and written cues
Alison Greenwood, Jennie Grassly, Julie Hickin, Wendy Best
Use of a cueing aid with children with word-finding difficulties
Wendy Best
Semantic therapy to improve developmental word finding difficulties
Susan Ebbels, Hilary Nicoll, Becky Clark, Beth Eachus, Aoife Gallagher, Karen Horniman, Mary Jennings, Kate McEvoy, Liz Nimmo & Gail Turner
Word finding difficulties therapy delivered via a group or paired therapy
Hilary Nicoll & Susan Ebbels