
UCL Priment Clinical Trials Unit



Information for research participants

If you are thinking about participating in a PRIMENT CTU study, or are already part of a study, you can find general information about taking part in research studies and PRIMENT CTU here: Priment CTU & research studies

Resources for researchers

PRIMENT CTU has developed a wide range of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide chief investigators and other research staff through the process of conducting a successful trial. 

The following groups and organisations may be helpful resources for those interested in conducting a clinical trial. PRIMENT CTU assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites.

UCL Resources

Research networks

Funding bodies

The supports researchers in developing and designing research proposals for submission to NIHR and other national, peer-reviewed funding competitions for applied health or social care research.

UK Regulatory Information

  • (European database of ongoing and completed clinical trials)