
UCL Public Policy


Funding Opportunities

UCL Public Policy offers a small amount of seed funding to stimulate public policy engagement activities among UCL researchers.

Funding Awards

Since 2017, we have awarded over £500k in grants, supported by Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ HEIF Impact Acceleration Account funding, the Wellcome Trust and Research England's Policy Support Fund, to a diverse range of academics, disciplines and policy challenges.

The Public Policy team has also led or contributed to 18 grant applications across UCL, bringing in £14m in external awards to support UCL research.

This includes:

  • CAPE project (Research England, £4m)
  • Behavioural Science Policy Research Unit (NIHR PRU, £4m)
  • International Public Policy Observatory (ESRC, £2m)
  • UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineralbased Construction Material (UKRI, £4.4m)
  • Catalyst Policy Summer Schools, (HEFCE, £400k)

Funding Opportunities 

Public Policy can provide funding opportunities to support your public policy career path. Subscribe to the UCL Public Policy newsletter for the latest information and opportunities. 

Fellowship funding 

The UCL Policy Fellows programme provides UCL researchers with the opportunity to work directly with policy professionals whilst embedded within a policy environment. Offering an in-depth learning experience for early career researchers, postgraduate doctors and PhD students, our tailored partnerships provide an impactful policy engagement opportunity. 

The UCL Policy Fellows programme is funded through an internal grant scheme held by UCL Innovation and Enterprise.

> Find out more and how to apply

Rapid Response Policy Advisory Scheme (EPSRC, AHRC, BBSRC IAA)

The scheme awards up to £10,000 expert engagement grants to enable the development/delivery of urgent short-term policy work in response to policy demand. Up to £10,000 is available throughout the year to UCL researchers from all subject disciplines.

Please note that we are committed to values of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. We especially encourage applications from under-represented backgrounds, or those whose research either directly involves or potentially benefits under-served or otherwise marginalised communities. 

> Find out more on how to apply

Policy Dialogues Funding [currently closed]

UCL Public Policy is offering up to £5,000 for EPSRC projects to organise and deliver 'Policy Dialogues': knowledge transfer activities and events designed to foster engagement between research and policy.

> Find out more on how to apply