
UCL Research Domains


All Group Leaders

Complete list of research group leaders at UCL who are conducting research related to microbiology or its applications


Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Institute for Global Healthi.abubakar@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Immunology
Division of Infection & Immunitya.akbar@ucl.ac.uk

Visiting Professor
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentj.f.allen@ucl.ac.uk

Principal Research Associate
Translational Research Officer.angell@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Structural & Molecular Biologyk.arnvig@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Biochemical Engineeringf.baganz@ucl.ac.uk
Chair in Molecular Systems Biology
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentj.bahler@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor in Gastrointestinal Infection & Immunity
UCL GOS Institute of Child Healthm.bajaj-elliott@ucl.ac.uk

Professor in Computational Biology Systems Biology
UCL Genetics Institute (GEE)f.balloux@ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Associate Professor
UCL GOS Institute of Child HealthAlasdair.Bamford@gosh.nhs.uk

Professor of Systems and Synthetic Biology
Cell & Developmental Biologychristopher.barnes@ucl.ac.ukÌýÌý

Professor and Chair of Molecular Bionics

Associate Professor in Architecture
The Bartlett School of Architecturerichard.beckett@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Children's Health

UCL GOS Institute of Child Health


Professor of Environmental Change

Professor in Molecular Microbiology and Biochemistry
Institute of Structural & Molecular Biologys.bhakta@bbk.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Structural & Molecular Biologykatherine.bowers@ucl.ac.uk

Professor ofÌýMicropalaeontology
Earth Sciencesp.bown@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Bioprocess Analysis
Biochemical Engineeringd.bracewell@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Virology (Honorary Consultant)
Division of Infection & Immunityj.breuer@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Respiratory Infection
Respiratory Medicinejeremy.brown@ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Senior Research Associate
Science & Technology Studiesr.bud@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor of Ancient Plant Genomics
Genetics, Evolution & Environmenth.burbano@ucl.ac.uk

Vice-Provost, Enterprise
Vice-Provost (Enterprise)

Professor of Immunology
Infection & Immunityb.chain@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineeringl.ciric@ucl.ac.uk

Clinical Scientist in Infection Control/NIHR Fellow
UCL GOS Institute of Child Healthelaine.cloutman-green@gosh.nhs.uk

Professor of Global Health Systems, Epidemiology and Evaluation
Institute for Global Healtht.colbourn@ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Professor
Institute of Opthalmologyj.dart@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Structural Biology of Signalling
Structural & Molecular Biologys.djordjevic@ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Associate Professor
Infection & Immunityh.donoghue@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Research Fellow
UCL Genetics Institute (GEE)lucy.dorp.12@ucl.ac.uk

Bonfield Chair of Biomaterials
Mechanical Engineeringm.edirisinghe@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Bioethics
Science & Technology Studiessarah.edwards@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Research Associate
Infection & Immunityv.enne@ucl.ac.uk

Clinical Senior Lecturer
Inst of Clinical Trials & Methodologyh.esmail@ucl.ac.uk

Lecturer in Microbiology
Eastman Dental Instituted.evangelopoulos@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Cellular & Molecular Virology
Infection & Immunitya.fassati@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Infection & Population Healthnigel.field@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor/Lecturer in Synthetic Biology
Biochemical Engineeringstefanie.frank@ucl.ac.uk

Divisional Clinical Director for Infection at UCLH
Infection & Immunity;
University College Hospital

Professor in Sexual Health and HIV
Infection & Population Healthr.gilson@ucl.ac.uk

Chair of Pathogen Evolution
Infection & Immunityr.goldstein@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Cancer Biochemistry
Structural & Molecular Biologyi.gout@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor in Genetics
Genetics, Environment & Evolutiond.greig@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineerings.guldin@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Computational Biophysics
School of Pharmacyshozeb.haider@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Chemical Biology

Professor of Infectious Diseases
Infection & Immunityr.heyderman@ucl.ac.uk

Research Fellow
Institute for Global Healthteresa.hill@ucl.ac.uk

Lecturer of Bacteriology
Structural & Molecular Biologyb.ho@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Biophysics
Physics & Astronomyb.hoogenboom@ucl.ac.uk

Professor and Vice- Dean, External Relations
Institute of Epidemiology and Health Careanne.johnson@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Virology
Infection & Immunityc.jolly@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Environmental Change

Professor of Biomolecular Science
Institute of Structural & Molecular Biologyn.keep@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk

Professor of Infectious Disease and Immunology
ICH Infect, Imm, Infla. & Physio Med
UCL GOS Institute of Child Health

Professor of Digital Health
Institute of Risk & Disaster Reductionp.kostkova@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry
Genetics, Environment & Evolutionnick.lane@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Cell Biology
Institute of Opthalmology


Professor of Medicine
Respiratory Medicinem.lipman@ucl.ac.uk

Physics & Astronomyi.llorente-garcia@ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer and Microbiology Consultant
Royal Free Hospitaldamien.mack@nhs.net

Professor of Viral Immunology
Infection & Immunitym.maini@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Teaching Fellow
Biochemical Engineeringmarco.marques@ucl.ac.uk

Director of MRC/UCL Lab for Molecular Cell Biology
MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biologym.marsh@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Immunology
Division of Medicinec.mauri@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Medical Microbiology
Infection & Immunityt.mchugh@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Biomedicine and Nanotechnology
London Centre for Nanotechnologyr.a.mckendry@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Virology
Infection & Immunityrichard.milne@ucl.ac.uk

LMCB Group Leader, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology
MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biologys.mole@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Research Fellow
Physics & Astronomym.molodtsov@ucl.ac.uk

Clinical Associate Professor in Renal Transplant Surgery
Division of Surgery & Interventional Sciencer.motallebzadeh@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Molecular Microbiology
Eastman Dental Institutep.mullany@ucl.ac.uk

Reader in Pharmaceutics
School of Pharmacys.murdan@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Research Fellow
Genetics, Environment & Evolutiongemma.gr.murray@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor in Cellular Microbiology
Eastman Dental Institutesean.nair@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Biochemical Engineeringd.nesbeth@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Endodontology
Eastman Dental Institutey.ng@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Nanomaterials
Physics & Astronomyntk.thanh@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Infectious Diseases
Infection & Immunitym.noursadeghi@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Bioinformatics
Structural & Molecular Biologyc.orengo@ucl.ac.uk

Structural & Molecular Biologya.osborne@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
London Centre for Nanotechnologyd.papineau@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Biochemical Engineeringbrenda.parker@ucl.ac.uk

Professor andÌýDean of MAPS Faculty

Clinical Associate Professor
Eastman Dental Institutec.petridis@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Infectious Diseases and International Health
Institute for Global Healths.pett@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Institute for Global Healthandrew.phillips@ucl.ac.uk

Pro-Vice-Provost International and Professor of Virology
Infection & Immunityd.pillay@ucl.ac.uk

Clinical Training Fellow / NIHR Clinical Lecturer
Infection & Immunityg.pollara@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Algal Biotechnology
Structural & Molecular Biologys.purton@ucl.ac.uk

Clinical Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
Institute for Global Healthl.rangaka@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
Infection & Immunitymatthew.reeves@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Bioenergetics
Structural & Molecular Biologyprr@ucl.ac.uk

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Nephrologyj.rohn@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Microbiology
Structural & Molecular Biologyj.santini@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Clinical Lecturer
Institute for Global Healthm.shahmanesh@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Public Health & Translational Data Science
Institute of Health Informaticsl.shallcross@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Clinical Research Associate
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurologynikhil.sharma@ucl.ac.uk

Professorial Research Associate
Structural & Molecular Biologye.shephard@ucl.ac.uk

Reader in Computational Biology
Institute of Structural & Molecular Biologya.shepherd@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk

Chair in Oral Health Sciences
Eastman Dental Instituteandrew.m.smith@ucl.ac.uk

Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs)
Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs)a.w.smith@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor
UCL GOS Institute of Child Healthc.m.smith@ucl.ac.uk

Consultant Microbiologist
Great Ormond Street Hospital Laboratory Medicine


Professor of Microbial Ecology and Education
Eastman Dental Instituted.spratt@ucl.ac.uk

Senior Teaching Fellow
School of Pharmacyp.stapleton@ucl.ac.uk

Research Associate and Facilities Manager
Biochemical Engineeringm.sulu@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Organic Chemistry

Associate Professor in Molecular Virology
Infection & Immunityy.takeuchi@ucl.ac.uk

School of Pharmacypeter.taylor@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Biochemistry
Cell & Developmental Biologyg.thomas@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Evolutionary and Developmental Genetics
Genetics, Evolution & Environmentchristopher.thompson@ucl.ac.uk

MRC Clinician Scientist Research Fellow
Infection & Immunityg.tomlinson@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Molecular Virology
Infection & Immunityg.towers@ucl.ac.uk

Associate Professor

S A Courtauld Chair of Biochemistry (and Professor of Structural Biology)
Structural & Molecular Biologyg.waksman@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Medical Statistics
Institute of Clinical Trials & Methodologyrmjlasw@ucl.ac.uk
Clinical Training Fellow
Infection & Immunitye.wall@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Synthetic Biology for Bioprocessing
Biochemical Engineeringj.ward@ucl.ac.uk

Emeritus Professor of Viral Oncology
Infection & Immunityr.weiss@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Molecular Biophysics
Structural & Molecular Biologyf.werner@ucl.ac.uk

Emeritus Professor
Eastman Dental Institutemike.wilson@ucl.ac.uk

Professor of Microbiology
Infection & Immunitypeter.wilson@ucl.ac.uk