
UCL Research Domains


Neuroscience Careers Network

The UCL Neuroscience Careers Network (NCN) aims to promote the professional development of UCL's Neuroscientists.

The network provides opportunities for neuroscientists to meet their peers, to share ideas, experience and initiate collaborations. It also provides a platform for careers advice and the dissemination of information regarding jobs, training and funding opportunities.

The NCN is organised by a committee made up of representatives from a variety of departments under the UCL Neuroscience Domain and includes both post-doctoral researchers and PIs.

About us

Find out more about our committee members who represent departments and institutes across UCL Neuroscience.

Subscribe to the mailing list, to hear about events, workshops, job and funding opportunities.


View our upcoming programme of events for this year, as well as blogs and presentations from previous events.

Early Career Neuroscience Prize

Find out about our annual prize which offers a chance to present your research at the annual neuroscience symposium.

Funding opportunities

External and internal sources of funding information including the support available when applying for funding.

Career resources

Information on career issues from writing a successful grant to performing well in an interview and working with the media.