
UCL Research


In the media

UCL breaks Oxbridge stranglehold on university research

Results from the REF2014 show UCL has overtaken Cambridge in the league table for research quality ranked by research power rating, placing it 2nd in the UK and 1st in terms of Research Strength (GPA X FTE).

REF2014 results were reported in a number of media outlets, as per the details below.



'UCL breaks Oxbridge stanglehold on university research'
'UCL  beats Cambridge in research race'
'UCL ahead of Oxbridge for first time in rankings on world-class research'
'London, not Oxbridge, is the powerhouse of British universities'
'London overtaking Oxbridge domination'
'Oxford tops research rankings'
'Oxford overtakes Cambridge as Britain's top research university'
'Northern universities staff may lose jobs after their research quality is hammered'
'London universities race ahead to challenge Oxbridge'
'London universities set to gain ground in research funding'
'London Uni Beats Cambridge In REF Research Rankings'
'How Scottish universities challenge world's best'
'Universities among best on research'
'Oxford tops research rankings:the stronghold of Oxford and Cambridge in research is being threatened by the rise of London universities, according to an analysis of official data'
'Rankings reveal top universities for education research'
'Rankings reveal top universities for education research'
'UCL breaking Oxbridge spell over top talent'
'UCL rated top University by research strength in REF2014'

Sources accessed 8 January 2015