
Safety Services


UCL Health and Safety Objectives 2014/2015

The health and safety objectives for UCL for the 2014/2015 academic year are stated below.

Heads of Department are required to determine what actions they are to take in order to meet these and their own objectives.

Objective 1

Departments to review their safety monitoring arrangements in line with revised guidance by June 2015. The guidance will be published on the Safety Services website (SafetyNET) in December.

Objective 2

Departments to have arrangements in place to meet the requirements of a UCL Standard on the Statutory Testing of LEV systems, Lifting Equipment and Pressure Systems. The standard will be available following approval at the HSC in March.

Objective 3

As part of continuous improvement to UCL's safety management system, departments, working with Safety Services, to review the structure and function of departmental safety committees to ensure appropriate membership, communication and their overall effectiveness.

Objective 4

Departmental emergency plans to be reviewed in line with revised published guidance by September 2015. The guidance will be published on the Safety Services website (SafetyNET) in March 2015.

Note - Objective 1 will be subject to a Safety Management Review which will be carried out by Safety Services in June/July 2015. Objective 2 and 4 will be reviewed following a suitable period for implementation of the standard and guidance.

Health and Safety Objectives​ →