
Safety Services


Responsibilities of Managers, Principle Investigators and Supervisors

Managers, Principle Investigators and Supervisors safety responsibilities are published in UCLs Organisation and Arrangements for Safety section 3.1.7 and are as follows:

  • Ensuring the provision of suitable information, instruction, training and supervision of staff, students and academic visitors under their control taking into account the experience and skills of these people
  • Assessing the risks of the work under their control
  • Familiarising themselves with fire and emergency drills (including the location of emergency telephones) and escape routes
  • As far as reasonably practicable, direct students to observe Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ instructions in respect of fire safety while in their direct charge
  • Ensuring students are provided with clear information and instructions in the event of a fire situation, and take all reasonable steps to ensure safe egress of students in any teaching space used by them, regardless of the location
  • Ensuring that they have appointed a suitable deputy to maintain appropriate supervision of the work under their control in their absence from the Department
  • Ensuring the implementation and maintenance of relevant risk control measures
  • Ensuring the safe handling and use of hazardous substances and the maintenance of safe plant, machinery and equipment
  • Ensuring that the operation and effectiveness of the risk control measures are monitored
  • Ensuring all accidents and incidents are reported and investigated in accordance with agreed procedures and guidance