

Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Graduate-led political startup attracts interest from distinguished thinkers and writers

The political startup DecipherGrey, set up by a King’s College London graduate, and UCL student is attracting significant interest from students and world-leading experts alike.

Capitol Building, Washington DC

21 July 2021

DecipherGrey.com was set up by Firas Joumblat (King’s College London) and Camille Duquenne (BA History, Politics and Economics and) during lockdown. It is an independent, self-financed platform, featuring original and impactful articles from world leaders, experts and renowned scholars, willing to take part in this ambitious venture.

The site welcomes high-quality articles from both experts and engaged citizens, including university students. In its first six months, it has already received contributions from prominent thinkers, UK ambassadors, researchers from leading think tanks, politicians and members of parliament.

“We set up the site primarily to give a voice to the younger generation who have a lot of things to say about politics and society. Our mission is to give an impactful platform to those willing to shape tomorrow’s society. We also wanted to hear the views of world-leading experts on everything from climate change to Black Lives Matter.

“Social media platforms can lead to the polarisation of views and are often not an adequate environment to foster healthy debate. Our website is independent, self-financed, non-partisan and founded on the principle of freedom of speech,” explained Firas and Camille.

After launching with a budget of just 50 euros, Firas and Camille have now grown the platform to include hundreds of contributions from prominent experts in academia, high-profile politicians and aspiring journalists. They are now in discussions with various think tanks about partnerships to take DecipherGrey to the next stage of growth.

If you are interested in submitting an article to the site, you can . All articles need to be well written, neutral and original, in line with the platform’s guidelines.
