
Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Training and Nurturing Talent

An additional stage of the London NERC DTP is the allocation of PhD projects from two proposals submitted by our students in Year 1. We consider the diversity and representation of both our project selection panel, and the allocated supervisors, with regards e.g. gender/ethnicity/career stage. All students have at least two supervisors within their supervisory team. Supervisors under-take mandatory EDI training at their institutions.

At our pre-application webinar, and during induction week, we discuss how our students are supported throughout their PhD journey with a dedicated DTP Team, and regular meetings and contact points with the DTP Directors. Our website provides targeted support materials for our students, and also provides information on opportunities for funding for disabled students’ needs. Weekly training in the first 3 months equips our students with the necessary ‘soft’ skills to help successfully navigate a PhD.

Students can confidentially contact the DTP office via londonnercdtp.admin@ucl.ac.uk and the DTP office hosts drop-in hours. The DTP Office also issues newsletters to disseminate news and opportunities.
All London NERC DTP students undertake full-time, cohort-wide broader training in the first 6 months, which develops transferable skills, discusses opportunities for links with non-academic partners, and includes 3 days of dedicated DEI training. We provide induction training that educates students on where appropriate information can be found and the support resources available. We find that our extensive cohort-wide training and fieldwork develops a strong inter-student support network. As such, our students have established their own seminar series (Broadly Scientific) and also host their own EDI network and newsletter.

Our DTP training is designed to be as accessible as possible to all, with specific reasonable adjustments made where required and where possible, with requests made to the DTP Co-ordinator, Kate Moore (londonnercdtp.admin@ucl.ac.uk).

Many of our students undertake an internship with a partner unrelated to their specific PhD and usually for 3 months, as well as the option of developing a CASE partnership.

We have student representatives in our cohorts who attend the DTP Management Board meetings to directly report on student issues and perspectives.

We have an EDI Committee that meets to review and advise on our procedures and to help the DTP continue developing EDI best practise.