
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Practicing anti-corruption: The development ofinnovative policies in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania

24 February 2016, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

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Room 433, UCL SSEES, 16 Taviton Street, WC1H 0BW

On 24 February 2016, Dr Dimitri Sotiropuolos (University of Athens) and Dr Roxana Bratu (UCL SSEES) will present their paper ‘Practicing anti-corruption: The development of innovative policies in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania’ as part of the seminar series ‘Innovation Studies in Europe and beyond’.

The series is presented jointly by the UCL ANTICORRP team, the SSEES Centre for European Politics, Security and Integration (CEPSI) and the Slavonic and East European Review (SEER). The series will bring together distinguished speakers from ANTICORPP partner institutions across Europe and prepare for the launch of a SEER special issue on innovations in corruption studies edited by Alena Ledeneva (to be published January 2017).

is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens. His research interests lie in the area of public policy, including administrative, welfare and university reform as well as civil society.

Roxana Bratu is a postdoctoral research associate at University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies. She coordinates the activity of ANTICORRP at UCL. She works on integrity, corruption, transnational aid flows and entrepreneurship in Romania, Ukraine and other former soviet countries.

The seminar will be followed by an informal discussion over coffee/tea and a light sandwich lunch.

All students, staff and visitors are welcome. No registration required.

For more information, please contact Philipp Köker (p.koeker@ucl.ac.uk).