

UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Russia Today и фейк ньюс в эпоху пост-правды / Russia Today and fake news in the era of post–truth

08 December 2021, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm

Fake news cartoon

A SSEES Culture and Society in Modern Russia seminar with Dr Ilya Yablokov, University of Sheffield. This event will be delivered in Russian.

This event is free.

Event Information

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RTи Маргарита Симонян известны всем, кто интересуется российскими медиа и политикой. Появившись какинструмент"мягкой силы", телекомпания очень быстро переформатировалась в агрессивное орудие российской пропаганды, направленное на страны Западной Европы, Америки и Ближнего Востока. РТ быстро нашла своих сторонников по всему миру. Как это произошло?Чтонеобходимо,чтобыпонятьмеханизмработыданногомедиа

Russia Today and the name of its main editor Margarita Simonyan have beenin the ears of all who is interested in the Russian media and politics. Having appeared as an instrument of Russian ‘soft power’, this TV company has very quickly transformed itself into an aggressive weapon of propaganda, directed at the societies of West Europe, USA, and the Middle East, where it has very quickly found its supporters. How has it happened and what do we need to know to understand how this media works?

This event will take place in person on լƵ campus. The exact location will be shared with ticket holders.

Image credit:A man with "fake news" rushing to the printing press. Source;
This file has beenextractedfrom another file:byFrederick Burr Opper.

About the Speaker

Dr Ilya Yablokov

Lecturer in Journalism and Digital Media at University of Sheffield

Dr Ilya Yablokov
Ilya isa Lecturer in Journalism and Digital Media at the University of Sheffield, Department of Journalism Studies.

He is studying conspiracy theories, dis/misinformation, post-socialist journalism and self-censorship in Central and Eastern Europe.

Prior to Sheffield, he hasspent 6 years as a Lecturer in Russian studies at the University of Leeds.

Ilya is an author of two books (,) on conspiracy theories in Russian politics and media. Hisarticles and interviews appeared in the British (Open Democracy Russia, The Times), German (Die Welt, Dekoder), Austrian (Eurozine), Polish (New Eastern Europe) and Russian media. He hascontributed to RBC, BBC World Service, Meduza, GQ Russia, Vogue Russia, Public Television of Russia (OTR). More about Dr Ilya Yablokov