

UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Polish studies: today and tomorrow

07 September 2023–08 September 2023, 9:30 am–5:00 pm

Polish studies

5th annual conference of the UCL SSEES Polish Studies Research Group and British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Polish Studies Group

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Prof Anne White

Like previousPolishstudiesevents at SSEES, this event has a workshop format. Speakers will present work in progress. They look forward to receiving friendlyanddetailed feedback from colleagues united by a common interest in Poland, includingPolishmigration, but representing different academic disciplines and combinations of disciplines. The BASEESPolishStudiesGroup is an international group which ‘aims to enhance discussion on critical perspectives emerging in the field ofPolishstudies.The group seeks to foster research collaborationandenhance exchanges of ideasandexpertise.’ Looking towards the future, one of our main aims is to support dialogue between researchers at different stages of their academic careers.

This year’s conference will be held online on Zoom.If you would like to register and receive a Zoom link, email Anne White, Professor ofPolishStudies, SSEES, atanne.white@ucl.ac.ukby 5 September 2023. We welcome attendees who are not affiliated to any university; however, please let Anne know why you’d like to come to the event. The conference will not be recorded, since the papers present work in progress.

Book of Abstracts


Thursday 7 September

Panel I: Protest and the arts


Justyna Budzik

New Polish Film and Photography in the Context of Visual Culture: Image-Banners in the Conflicted World


Jannick Piskorski

Poland A and B in Postcolonial Theory and Pop Culture


Aneta Stepien

“My Body, my Choice”: intersectionality, creativity and solidarity in the abortion protest song

Panel 2: East-West cultural interactions


Joanna Rydzewska and żٲ Durys

Polish Culture?World on Fire, Transnational Coproduction and the Inscription of Cultural Specificity


Kasia Szymanska

Text, Travel & Translation under the Cold War gaze: Poland and the other Others

Panel 3: Negotiating Polishness in Twentieth-Century Polish Culture


Jordan Lian

Bronisława Niżyńska and Polish National Culture: The Case of Pieśń o Ziemi


Ola Sidorkiewicz

Pushing Against the Limits of National Form. A Study of Józef Czapski’s Lost Time. Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp

Friday 8 September

Panel 4: Polish migration to the UK


Agata Blaszczyk

Tackling mass migration. The Polish Resettlement Bill and Polish Resettlement Camps in the UK after the Second World War – Governance, Institutions, and Identity


Sabina Fibig Lord

Affective threads – attending to the emotive dimension of Polish women’s migration experiences

Panel 5: Holocaust memory


Katarzyna Anzorge

Polish Holocaust memory in the late 1980s as part of the Cold War struggles


Jan Gryta

Scouting for sites of victory, encountering post-Holocaust spaces. Polish scouts discovering the Jewish genocide in the 1960s

Panels 6a and b: Society and politics in contemporary Poland


Pawel Bukowski

Income inequality in 21st century Poland


Maria Obrebska

Coping with a crisis: the relationship between citizenship and mental health as experienced by LGBTQ population in Poland


Aleks Szczerbiak

Mobilising anti-clericalism: Polish anti-Church left-wing and liberal parties


Ewa Ochman

“Who cares about street names?” Resisting change and the protracted decommunization of public space in Poland


Anne White

The gendering of Ukrainian migration to Poland