


Short term loans

Limited cash loans of up to £250 are available to students who have experienced a delay in their normal funding being paid.

If you are in immediate financial need because your normal funding (e.g. maintenance loan, scholarship, or stipend etc.) has been delayed, you can apply for a short term loan. Loans of up to £250, interest free, are available and are usually made for one month. 


To qualify for a short term loan you must:

  • be fully enrolled on a full-time or part-time programme at UCL - students on time-limited enrolment are not normally eligible*
  • have commenced/recommenced study on your programme
  • be experiencing a delay in your student financing and be able to provide proof if requested
  • have exhausted all other avenues of emergency funds, such as asking family for help or using your overdraft facility
  • have not received a previous loan from Student Funding Office in the same academic year
  • have repaid any previous loans within the one month period without extending or defaulting on the loan
  • not be in debt to UCL at the time of the request, for tuition or accommodation fees for example

*An exception to this may apply if you are an undergraduate student waiting for confirmation of your Tuition Fee loan from Student Finance

How to apply

, ensuring you attach a copy of the short term loan questionnaire to your enquiry.

Loan payment

Payment will be made via bank transfer to UK banks only. The proccess from application to receiving a decision and payment will take 7-10 working days.

If you are on a Study Abroad programme and would like to enquire about a loan you should .

Repaying your loan

Repayment is normally expected within 4 weeks. We will send you instructions by email on how to repay.

If you are unable to repay the loan by the agreed deadline, .