


Options Guide Notes

If you have the option of applying to one or more of the universities listed below, please refer to the additional notes below to help guide your research.

Australia: University of Sydney

For departments where it is included as an option, the University of Sydney is classed an 'Ultra High Demand' university. Applicants should be advised that for 24-25 exchange, UCL only has 1 exchange place in total at the University of Sydney, so we expect an unprecendented level of demand for this university this year. Please be particularly mindful of this when selecting your 4 chosen universities and we have advised Study Abroad Tutors to only approve one student per department to include the University of Sydney in their application.

USA: University of California 

If you are considering including the University of California in your application, you should first refer to our University of California Exchange Information for guidance on how this unique exchange works and to understand how campus allocation is managed. Successful students should be aware that allocation of a campus is managed by the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) team in Spring 2024 and their decision is final. Applicants for the University of California should therefore approach the exchange with an open mind and be willing to accept an allocation at any of the fantastic 9 undergraduate campuses offering the relevant area of study. 

Canada: University of Toronto: St George, Scarborough and Mississauga campuses 

The University of Toronto accepts exchange students at all 3 campuses:

  • St George Campus
  • Scarborough Campus
  • Mississauga Campus

In your application, please select the specific campus (or campuses, if you wish to include more than one) you'd like to be considered for, paying particular attention to the level of demand at each and ensuring that you have undertaken thorough reasearch into the courses available. Each campus that you select in your application will count as one of your four university choices. 

Australia: Flinders University 

Students who are allocated a space at Flinders University will be considered for a prestigious scholarship offered by the university, with further information provided to successful applicants in Spring 2024. 

Jordan: University of Petra and Lebanon: American University in Beirut

PLEASE NOTE that current (as at 27/10/2023) UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) guidance advises against all travel to Lebanon. If this guidance is in place in the 2024-25 academic year, it is highly likely that UCL will withdraw exchanges that are available at the American University of Beirut. UCL may withdraw any of the above-listed exchanges without consulting students, even if your exchange application has been successful, if we determine in our absolute discretion that travelling to and undertaking an exchange in the host country might not be safe for our students. For this reason, we may decide to withdraw or cancel the exchanges at the University of Petra and the American University of Beirut in 2024-25.