

Sustainable UCL


Offset your travel

Sometimes travel is unavoidable, so UCL has partnered with Trees for Life to create UCL Grove for UCL staff and students to offset their carbon emissions.

Photograph of Trees for Life volunteers

19 November 2022

Trees for Lifeplant native trees in the Scottish Highlands, either in Glen Affric or in Trees for Life’s Dundreggan Estate – helping to restore the Caledonian Forest.

Trees are planted by Trees for Life in batches in Spring and Autumn. The “Grove” refers to the trees you contribute rather than a specific physical grove on a hillside.

Trees for Life runs a volunteerprogramme– some of your trees will be planted by volunteers and some by professionals.

Trees for Lifewill lead to a verifiable reduction in carbon emissions and will improve UK biodiversity by planting native species, whilst working in partnership with local communities.

Plant a tree in UCL Grove

Carbon icon
1.Find outthe carbon emissions from your trip

Clarity travel booking systemwill automatically provide you with the carbon emissions associated with your trip.

Or you can calculate emissions yourself using a

Tree icon
2. Calculate how many trees to plant

Once you have your emissions in tonnes, calculate the number of trees needed to offset the emissions.
Tree calculation formula -Multiply the number of tonnes of CO2by 4
(eg1 tree fixes 0.25 tonnes of carbon over 100 years.)

If you want to offset your emissions in a shorter time frame, use thisExcel calculator.

Pledge icon
3. Get planting!

Once you know how many trees you need to plant to offset your carbon emissions, add them to The UCL Grove.

It is only £6 per tree! But you can plant more of less, depending on what you can afford.