

UCL Urban Laboratory


Urban Lab Publishes Activities Report 2021–2023

17 June 2024

The latest UCL Urban Laboratory Activities Report, covering 2021–2023, marks the end of Professor Clare Melhuish’s directorship from 2018–2024.

Urban Lab Activities Report book cover

Urban Lab has published its latest Activities Report, covering 2021–2023. The new report looks back at Urban Lab's work and achievements, including partnerships, and is the last Activities Report by departing Director of Urban Laboratory Professor Clare Melhuish, who completed a six-year tenure in May 2023.

The new report provides an overview of the key areas of activity and engagement that Urban Lab has programmed across the period 2021–2023. Urban Lab has collaborated with a wide range of committed academics from across UCL, as well as partners from different sectors, working together to develop and deliver a vision of an ‘engaged urbanism’ which offers new approaches to urban problems, grounded in an understanding of everyday realities.

Areas of focus in the report include the Urban Lab Walks series, Cities Imaginaries, Queer Infrastructures, all the activity from the Urban Room, and Urban Lab's research, teaching and publications.

Commenting on the report, Clare said:

It’s always a thrill to receive our new Activities Report hot off the press, even though many of you will read it online, at least in the first instance. Leafing through it is such a pleasurable retrospective of the wide range of rich, transdisciplinary urban research activities and achievements that have been realised by the members and associates of the Urban Lab network, even when tempered by anxious memories of 11th hour preparation by dedicated organisers.

Our new edition, covering the calendar year period from 2021 to 2023, is also the last in a set of three documenting the six years I was Director of Urban Lab, which came to an end in May 2024. It presents the fruits of eight priority research areas during that period, led by Co-Directors, alongside a review of the first two years of programming in the UCL Urban Room and Urban Lab’s research-led teaching presence at UCL East. The report also presents snapshots of a multitude of projects, events and people that have shaped the identity and contribution of our network of urban scholarship and engagement during these eventful years.”

– Clare Melhuish, Urban Lab Director 2018–2024

The report is available to read online free at Issuu, or you can download it directly from this website at the link to the right.

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If you would like to receive hard copies of the report for your organisation, please email urbanlaboratory@ucl.ac.uk.

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