
Academic Manual


Archive of regulations and annexes for 2019-20.



Academic Manual Archive 2019-20


Main Chapters 2019-20

Annexes 2019-20

All annexes available on request from Academic Services: academic.services@ucl.ac.uk)

Chapter 1: Student Recruitment and Admissions 2019-20

The Recognition of Prior Learning

UCL Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form

Student Recruitment

Annex 1.1.1 Market Research Policies and Procedures

Annex 1.1.2 Good Practice in Student Recruitment Communications

Annex 1.1.3 UG Prospectus Policies and Procedures

Annex 1.1.4 PG Prospectus Policies and Procedures

Annex 1.1.5 Study Abroad and Summer School Publications

Annex 1.1.6 Good Practice for Departmental Websites

Annex 1.1.7 Good Practice in Video Production

Annex 1.1.8 Student Recruitment Good Practice

Annex 1.1.9 Student Recruitment Communications


Annex 1.2 Widening Participation Guidelines for Good Practice

Annex 1.3 Ex-Offenders Policy for Prospective and Current Students

Annex 1.4 Criminal Convictions Declaration Policy and Procedure

Chapter 2: Qualifications and Credit Framework

The Qualifications of UCL

Annex 2.1: BASc Qualification Descriptor

Annex 2.2: MASc Qualification Descriptor

Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programmes 2019-20

Authorised Absence for Tier 4 Students

UCL Authorised Absence Request Form

Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes 2019-20

Extenuating Circumstances

UCL Extenuating Circumstances Form

Annex 4.1.1 Grounds for Extenuating Circumstances

Annex 4.1.2 EC Panel Contact Details


Annex 4.2 Guidelines for Conducting e-Examinations

Boards of Examiners

Annex 4.3.1 Change of Chair Form

Annex 4.3.2 Board Prep Checklists & Standard Board Agenda

Annex 4.3.3 Guidelines for Faculty Representatives at BoE Meetings

Annex 4.3.4 Proforma for Faculty Representative Report

Annex 4.3.5 Release of Provisional Results

Annex 4.3.6 Covid 19 Boards of Examiners Emergency Procedures

Sub Boards

Annex 4.4.1 Sub Board Checklist and Template Agenda

Annex 4.4.2 Proforma for Delegation of Authority to a Sub Board

Higher Education Achievement Report

Annex 4.5 Higher Education Achievement Report Guiding Principles

Chapter 6: Student Casework Framework 2019-20

Student Complaints

UCL Student Complaints Form

UCL Student Complaints Procedure Stage Two Review Form

Appendix One Guide to UCL Procedures

Appendix Two Support Provision

Appendix Three Unacceptable Complainant Behaviour and Malicious, Vexatious or Frivolous Complaints

Appendix Four Complaints Procedure Application Form and Stage Two Review Form

Student Academic Misconduct Procedure

Annex 6.1 Academic Misconduct Report Form

Annex 6.3 Guidance on group panels in cases of student collusion

Industrial Action

Annex 6.2 Managing the impact of the industrial action on assessment

Chapter 7: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment Framework 2019-20

General Guidance

7.1.1 PMAP Meeting Dates and Paper Deadlines

7.1.2 Detailed timelines for Programme Approval and Amendment

7.1.3 Consumer Protection Legislation - Guidance for Programme Leads

7.1.4 Programme and Module Amendments guidance

Approval of New Taught Programmes

7.2.1 Programme Development - A good practice guide

7.2.2 Market Research - A good practice guide

7.2.3 Programme Proposal Form

7.2.4 Programme Summary Template (Taught Programmes)

7.2.5 Programme Summary Content & Style Guide

7.2.6  Programme Costing Template

7.2.7 External Scrutineer Report template

7.2.8 Criteria for the Appointment of an External Scrutineer

7.2.9 UG Affiliate Study Abroad programme checklist

Approval of New Modules

7.3.1 Module Proposal Form

Programme Amendment

7.4.1 Programme Amendment Form (PAF)

Module Amendment

7.5.1 Module Amendment Form (MAF)

Programme Withdrawal

7.6.1 Programme Withdrawal Questionnaire

Research Degrees

7.9.1 Doctoral Programme Proposal Form

7.9.2 MRes Programme Proposal Appendix

7.9.3 Programme Summary Template: Research Programmes

7.9.4 Recruitment of Research Students to Academic or Research Departments (Divisions/Institutes/Units) – Application Form

Chapter 8: Academic Partnerships Framework 2019-20

8.1 Table Summarising Forms of Academic Partnerships

8.2 Academic Partnership Proposal Form

8.3 Academic Partnership Additional Due Diligence Checklist

8.4 Academic Partnership Site Visit Checklist

8.5 Academic Partnership Renewal Form

8.6 Academic Partnership Termination Form

8.7 Split-Site PhD Proposal Form

8.8 Joint and Double Research Degree Partnership Form

8.9 Joint Management Committee Sample Agenda


8.10 Principles for the Management of Study Abroad and Student Exchange Partnerships

8.11 Intercollegiate Module Sharing with other University of London Colleges - Student Policy

8.12 Principles for the Management of Intercollegiate Module Sharing with other University of London Colleges

8.13 Principles for the Management of Placements


UCL Academic Partnerships Register

Placement Documentation

Placement Risk Profiling Tool

Placement Induction Checklist

Placement Health and Safety Checklist

Placement Tier 4 Helpsheet

Chapter 9: Quality Review Framework 2019-20

Annual Student Experience Review (ASER)

9.2.1 ASER Main Steps

9.2.2 ASER Departmental SEQ Summary

Internal Quality Review (IQR)

9.3.1 IQR Schedule 2019-20 to 2024-25

9.3.2 IQR Sample Timetable for Visit

9.3.3 External Subject Expert Report Proforma

9.3.4 IQR External Subject Nomination Form

9.3.5 IQR Self Evaluative Statement

9.3.6 IQR Dataset for the Review Team

9.3.7 IQR Core Documentation to be Supplied by the Department

External Examiners

9.4.1 Main Steps - Response to External Examiners' Reports

9.4.2 External Examiner Fee Payment and Expenses Claim Form

9.4.3 Current External Examiners at UCL (UG)

9.4.4 Current External Examiners at UCL (PG)

9.4.5 Overview of the External Examiner Reporting Process

9.4.6 Summary of Department Responses to EE Recommendations Template

Peer Dialogue Scheme

9.5.5 Peer Dialogue Option C Application Form

Student Academic Representation

9.6.1 SSCC Agenda and Minutes Template

Core Programme Information

9.9.1 Core Programme Information

Chapter 10: Life Learning Framework 2019-20

Annex 10.1 UCL Summer School Supplemental Regulations