
Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies


IAMS at the ISA in Leuven

6 June 2012

A large contingent of UCL students and lecturers have recently participated in the International Symposium on Archaeometry, and, as usual, IAMS provided funding to several students to present papers and posters on archaeometallurgy.

ISA Conference 2012 logo

The ISA is the largest and most prominent international conference on archaeological science, one where UCL typically has a strong presence. This year was no exception and IAMS is proud to have had Dr. Marcos Martinón-Torres give an paper on the Terracotta  Warriors of China as well as oral presentations and posters from some of our most promising students. The session on metallurgy, chaired by UCL-Qatar's Prof. Thilo Rehren, was a tremendous success and led to some some lively discussion on various topics of archaeometallurgical science.

The oral presentations given by IAMS members and students comprised of:

  • Making weapons for the Terracotta Army: Technology, standardization andlogistics. Marcos Martinón-Torres, Xiuzhen Janice Li, Andrew Bevan, Yin Xia, Kun Zhao and Thilo Rehren
  • The emergence of tin bronzes c. 7000 years ago. Miljana Radivojević, Thilo Rehren, DuÅ¡ko Å ljivar, Julka Kuzmanović-Cvetković, Marija Jovanović, Ernst Pernicka and Peter Northover
  • Arsenical copper in Southwest Asia: Alloying technology and intentionality determined by the chemical analysis of production remains. Loïc Boscher, Thilo Rehren, Ernst Pernicka, Ulf-Dietrich Schoop and Barbara Helwing
  • The metallurgical inventory from Tell Chuera (Syria) - a direct comparisonbetween quantitative pXRF and qualitative WDS data. Kristina A. Franke

Posters presented by IAMS members and students included:

  • Variation in Roman Period Iron Smelting: A Case Study in SouthWest England. Ruth Fillery-Travis
  • Copper Processing in Oasis Sites of Northwest Arabia. The Evidence fromTayma and Qurayyah. Siran Liu and Thilo Rehren
  • High Carbon Steel and Cast Iron in Africa: Reality or Myth? Edwinus Lyaya
  • 'The Objects that Are More than their Analyses': An ArchaeometallurgicalInvestigation and its Implications for the Study of Ancient TechnologiesStavriani Orfanou, Argyroula Intzesiloglou and Polyxeni Arachoviti
  • Ancient Urban Copper Metallurgy in Qantir (Pi-Ramesses). Frederik Rademakers, Thilo Rehren and Edgar Pusch
  • The 9th Century Bloomery Iron Smelting in Northeast Thailand: A Case Studyfrom Ban Kruat, Burirum Province. Pira Venunan, Thilo Rehren, Issarawan Yoopom and Surapol Natapintu