
Institute of Archaeology


UCL Institute of Archaeology Instagram Student Takeover

7 May 2020

For the first time the UCL Institute of Archaeology Instagram account will be taken over by one of our students, 3rd year undergraduate BA Archaeology and Anthropology student Coco Shi, on Friday 8 May.

UCL Institute of Archaeology Instagram Student Takeover by Coco Shi (8 May 2020)
Join Coco on Bank Holiday Friday (8 May 2020) to find out more about her degree, her time at the Institute of Archaeology, what Coco is up to over lockdown in London and her current research!
There is the opportunity to send in your questions for Coco from Thursday evening - just follow us on Instagram @UCLarchaeology with the # tag #IoAITo.
You can also follow us on Twitter - @UCLArchaeology - to ask questions / send in your photos of fieldwork and your thoughts about the takeover #IoAITo.
Any questions or comments should be submitted by email to Charlotte Frearson, IoA Social Media Officer (c.frearson@ucl.ac.uk / ). Interested students can also contact Charlotte about future social media takeover opportunities!
The Institute is committed to providing the best experience for our students and supporting student-staff collaboration in all areas of Institute life - teaching, research and fieldwork.

IoA Social media