
Institute of Archaeology


Prizes awarded to Institute Masters students 2023

8 December 2023

Congratulations to the UCL Institute of Archaeology Masters students who have been awarded departmental prizes for the 2022-23 academic session.

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Institute of Archaeology Prizes awarded to MA and MSc Students

Institute of Archaeology Master’s Prizes

  • Alberto Adelantado   
  • Unnur Bjarnardottir  
  • Anais Ellis  
  • Ella Filskow  
  • Amber Johnson   
  • Ellen Seidell  
  • Amelia Tweten  
  • Paulina Wandowicz   

Bryan Clauson Prize for Roman Archaeology

  • Nicholas Gracia 

Douglas Murray Prize for Egyptology

  • Paulina Wandowicz

Cultural Heritage Studies Prize

  • Julia Jozefowicz  
  • Li Yang  
  • Yiyi Zhang    

Ione Gedye Prize for Archaeological Conservation

  • Anais Ellis
  • Marceline Graham
  • Ayshwarya Prem  

Irene Sala Prize for Lithic Studies

  • Rachael Stevens     

Margaret Murray Prize for Egyptology

  • Olga Nikonenko

Museum Studies Prize

  • Alberto Adelantado

Seton Lloyd Memorial Prize for Western Asiatic Archaeology

  •  Sophia de Schiffart 

Tony Waldron Prize for Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology

  • Ella Filskow  
  • Anna Tuuri       

W F Grimes Prize for Environmental Archaeology

  • Sophia de SchiffartÂ