
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Bartlett Work Exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts

5 June 2019

A number of the school’s staff, affiliates, students and alumni have had their work selected for the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2019.

The Fourth Estate by Ellie Sampson

Now in its 251st year, the is the world’s largest and longest-running art show. It brings together art in all mediums, including a number of architectural works. This year, around 1,200 works will be exhibited, most of them for the first time.Ìý

CJ Lim, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism has had his drawing selected. The piece suggests that biodiverse conservation is inextricably linked with the imaginative and emotional values that connect us to their environment.

Mark Smout Professor of Architecture and Landscape Futures and Laura Allen Professor of Architecture and Augmented Landscapes have also had their work selected. Taking the form of a model village, is a speculative design proposal for an environmental ‘proving ground’ of landscape and architectural installations, sited on the Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary. The proposal responds to the island’s unique character and prepares it for the future demands of society and climate change.

Bartlett Tutors Sabine Storp and Patrick Weber have hadÌýtheir work selected. , is aÌýhomage toÌýCasa Sperimentale in Fregene, Rome. The concrete treehouse was an experiment in pre-cast elements that can be reconfigured and remodeled to create endless possible spaces suspended between a concrete megastructure.Ìý

Bartlett Teaching Fellow, Maj Plemenitas has had his print Ìýselected. The work investigates the potential for new adaptive architectural, urban and landscape models that establish a dynamic relationship with the accelerated and intensified environmental fluctuations and the built environment.

Niall McLaughlin Architects have had their model selected. Niall McLaughlin is a Professor of Architectural Practice at The Bartlett.

Emeritus Professor, Peter Cook, has had five pieces of his work selected for the show, all of which are on display in the Large Weston Room:

  • Computer generated image
  • , , and , which are all watercolour and ink prints

A number of Architecture MArch students and graduates have also had their work selected.

, by Stefan Florescu (Architecture MArch student, Unit 11)Ìýaims to archive one of the most astonishing events in human history, the first human space flight. This miniature world aims to encapsulate and express architectonically what people felt when they found out the man had entered the unknown.

, by Anna Andronova, (Architecture MArch 2018 graduate, Unit 10) proposes how the oasis on a major human trafficking route can empower local communities and discourage migration into EuropeÌý

, by Jason Ho (Architecture MArch graduate 2018, Unit 10) depicts the UK in a post-Brexit era, in which a retirement wonderland protects the British economy, ecology, NHS and hydrocarbon zone, within the territorial waters of the Falkland Islands

, by Sam Ki Architecture MArch graduate 2018, Unit 10) explores the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party, Japan and its sovereignty, Yen Town.Ìý

Ellie Sampson (Architecture MArch graduate 2018, Unit 11) has had two models from her final project at The Bartlett selected.Ìý and address current architectural, social and environmental challenges to provide a range of housing types with all of the benefits of both urban and suburban dwelling.Ìý

Other selected graduate works include:

  • , by Ivan Tsz Long ChanÌý
  • , by Jamie Lilley, (Architecture MArch graduate 2015, Unit 21)
  • , by Katie Cunningham (Architecture MArch graduate 2018, Unit 21)
  • , by Aaron Ho (Architecture BSc graduate 2011, Unit 4)
  • , by Alisa Silanteva (Architecture MArch graduate 2018, Unit 18)

The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition is open to the public from 10 June – 12 August.Ìý

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Lead image

‘Remodelling Metro-Land: The Suburban Semis’, by Ellie Sampson
Reorganising and redecorating the suburban semi-detached home and its surrounding landscape of neat, fenced off back gardens. These homes seek to emphasise the importance of unexpected and multi-layered landscapes in a suburban neighbourhood.

Carousel 1

1. ‘Wan-Mu Orchard Wetland, China’, by CJ Lim
2.Ìý‘Liquid Kingdom’, by Mark Smout and Laura Allen.
3.Ìý‘Multi Scale Flow Map - Territorial Scale nD Printing and Growing Islands’, by Maj Plemenitas, Amphibious Lab and Linkscale.

Carousel 2

1. 'The 1961 Space Race Fabergé Egg', by Stefan Florescu
2. ‘The Grand Paris of Niger’, by Anna Andronova
3.Ìý‘The United Kingdom in the Southern Hemisphere’, by Jason Ho
4.Ìý‘Yen Town: Purity on the Disputed Senkaku Islands’, by Sam Ki
5.Ìý‘The Allotment Art Gallery’, by Ellie Sampson