

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Evolution Infrastructure delivers Financial Modelling Workshop to BSSC students

22 January 2024

Bridging Theory and Practice: Industry experts from Evolution Infrastructure deliver Financial Modelling Workshop to students of UCL Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction.

EvoInfra at BSSC

experts, Ramon Sequeira and Stella Njiki, who is also a graduate of the Infrastructure Investment and Finance MSc (IIF), led a comprehensive financial modelling workshop for 60 students enrolled in the IIF and Learning Environment MSc Dz.

The day-long event, held on December 4, 2023, provided invaluable insights into industry practices. Conducted at UCL East Marshgate, the workshop had in attendance IIF Programme Director Yiming Wang, Deputy Program Lead Roberto Cardinale and Programme Administrator Tahira Khawaja who all contributed to the organising of the workshop and the overall student learning experience. 

EvoInfra at BSSC

EvoInfra at BSSC

The interactive sessions were followed by an informal drinks reception, fostering networking opportunities for students, academic staff, and professional staff associated with the relevant MSc programmes. 

Evolution Infrastructure is an independent financial consultancy focused on the infrastructure and energy sectors. They provide financial advisory and modelling services to asset managers, developers, investors, corporates and public sector entities. 

Ramon Sequeira, Director at Evolution Infrastructure, said: “Having hired a number of students from the Infrastructure Investment and Finance MSc course over the last decade, EvoInfra has a longstanding relationship with UCL and the programme, and we are delighted to continue this partnership.” 

Dr Yiming Wang said: "The MSc IIF programme takes pride in its strong connection with practitioners working in the relevant commercial and industrial sectors worldwide. We are grateful to EvoInfra as one of our longstanding industry partners for having delivered another successful financial modelling workshop to our students."

Abdulhaki Kjorbarjrami, IIF student said: "It was really useful. We would not mind if this repeats!"