
UCL Energy Institute


The UCL Energy Institute turns three today

29 June 2012

UCL Energy Institute was launched three years ago today, with the aim of accelerating the transition to a globally sustainable energy system through world-class research, education and policy support.


Read a brief report of what UCL-Energy has achieved over the past three years.

Our achievements:

Since the launch UCL-Energy has:

Brought together a new, highly motivated, multidisciplinary group of who are world leading in their understanding of energy demand in the built environment, transport and energy systems.

Attracted a portfolio of nearly £10 million of funding from government, industry and charities. The last year saw UCL Energy submit 35 proposals, 17 of which have been funded with a value to UCL of £2.3m.

Established a vibrant Doctoral Training Programme of over 40 PhD students and a growing portfolio of such as the MRes in Energy Demand Studies.

Published the in three co-edited books (one sole authored by a student), 17 book chapters, and appeared in more than 140 academic publications.

Worked on UK and international policy, including: providing formal parliamentary evidence, links to CCC, IEA and IPCC and providing regular advice and support to government departments.

Developed , including the provision of advice and joint research.  Industrial partners include, EDF, E.ON, PassivSystems, Lloyd’s Register, Johnson Controls and Arup.

Delivered over 40 UCL-Energy seminars, facilitating knowledge sharing on energy-related issues with both the Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ community and with key stakeholders in industry, government and other research institutes.

Participated in including: in The Daily Telegraph, Guardian Online and BBC Online, and in public engagement opportunities, including UCL's Bright Club.  

Published a number of student blogs on our website, covering topics including the Cheltenham Science Festival, understanding the Green Deal and low carbon design.

Interacted with and news, events and comment to over 300 followers on Twitter.