

UCL Energy Institute


UCL-Energy at the UN's 69th Marine Environment Protection Committee

26 April 2016

On 18-22 April, the UN’s body responsible for regulating shipping, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), met for the 69th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).


This meeting comprised of representatives from all signatory countries of the Paris Agreement and discussed, among other things, greenhouse gas reduction measures for the shipping industry.

The committee also included a discussion on the adoption of a work plan to define shipping’s “fair share” contribution towards reducing global GHG emissions. For more detailed background information, please see Dr Tristan Smith’s article ‘’ published on China Dialogue.

Even though no work plan was adopted, many countries as well as industry representatives voiced strong support which resulted in the establishment of a working group at the next MEPC session.

In an article for , Dr Tristan Smith commented: “Given the circumstances, that was a very positive outcome. To see an alignment between industry, Europe and vulnerable states was a great breakthrough.”

UCL researchers who attended the meeting are now in the process of analysing the debate in more detail. A similar analysis of the previous MEPC meeting can be found on the .

In addition to commenting and post-meeting analyses, UCL researchers have been actively sharing their research with MEPC delegations. At a side event hosted by the Belgian delegation, Dr Tristan Smith presented the

Dr Nishatabbas Rehmatulla of UCL-Energy and Dr John Calleya, լƵ Marine Engineering, submitted an information paper (MEPC 69/INF.8) to the committee, which focuses on the implementation of technical energy efficiency measures based on a cross-sectional survey of 275 ship owners and operators covering around 5,000 ships. It shows that the uptake of energy efficiency technologies has generally been low and the technologies that have had higher uptake have small energy efficiency gains at the ship level.

Using the increased media interest around MEPC 69, UCL-Energy launched which is an interactive map of all the ships and their emissions for the year 2012. This launch was hugely successful, with over 100k views generated in as little as three days, and allowed UCL to reach an audience not generally familiar with the shipping industry and its emissions.

This coincided with by Lena Göthberg releasing its latest episode featuring Dr Tristan Smith talking about the various strands of research taking place at the Institute from the impacts of slow steaming in a slow moving market to using AIS data to observe every ship on the Earth.

Photo credit: CC0public domain