

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Biochemical Engineering and UCL REF2021 Outcomes

13 May 2022

The UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences has performed very strongly in the latest Research Evaluation Framework (REF 2021), with 97% of the submissions rated as ‘world-leading' or ‘internationally excellent’ and over 70% of the impact case studies rated ‘excellent’.

UCL Bernard Katz Building

This represents an increase of over 30% in ‘world leading’ 4* submissions since REF 2014.  

Due to changes in the structure of REF 2021 submissions, Biochemical Engineering research activity was submitted to Unit of Assessment (UoA) 12 ‘Engineering’ alongside the UCL departments of Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Outputs from all academic staff in Biochemical Engineering were submitted for evaluation and the department contributed an impact case study titled "UCL research on nanofibre purification technology improves manufacture of biotherapeutics" led by Professor Dan Bracewell. 

Overall, UCL was ranked 2nd in the UK for Research Power. Within UCL, submissions from the Faculties of Engineering Sciences and Maths and Physical Sciences achieved the top three places for research rated ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Chemistry, Computer Science, and Engineering came first, second, and third respectively. Within UoA 12, UCL was ranked 4th overall for the percentage of our submission rated 4* (‘world leading’).

Overall, UCL was ranked 2nd in the UK for Research Power. Within UCL, submissions from the Faculties of Engineering Sciences and Maths and Physical Sciences achieved the top three places for research rated ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent. Chemistry, Computer Science, and Engineering came first, second, and third respectively. Within UoA 12, UCL was ranked 4th overall for the percentage of our submission rated 4* (‘world leading’).

Prof Gary Lye, Head of UCL Biochemical Engineering said:
“Success in REF is more like a marathon than a sprint. It depends on all the papers published, grants won and students supervised by our academic staff over the 5-year assessment window. It is also a team effort requiring exceptional and sustained performance from staff across the board. It makes me both proud and humbled to see this external evaluation of the important research we undertake.”

Prof Nigel Titchener Hooker, Dean of UCL Engineering said:
“Everybody should be incredibly excited to see the excellence of our REF results. The international quality of the work we conduct, across our uniquely broad faculty, and the impact that this work makes on our society,  our health and well-being, economies and the environment are all reflected in the REF outcomes. Individually and collectively we have improved across all of the units of assessment. We should all be proud of the results. They are testament to the brilliance of the individuals and teams who conduct the pioneering studies and the support they receive across the faculty in the consistent delivery of excellence with  real relevance for our changing world.”

Prof. Tony Kenyon, the outgoing Vice-Dean Research with responsibility for overseeing UCL Engineering’s REF submission said: 
“It was a huge privilege to see the extraordinary breadth and quality of the Faculty’s research as we prepared our REF submissions. While it was a daunting task to help bring everything together, I think everyone should be enormously proud of these results. The Faculty goes from strength to strength and our research is receiving its just recognition. Many thanks to all of you for doing such outstanding work, and particularly all of those who helped shape the submission.”

And Prof. Richard Bucknall, incoming Vice Dean (Research) said:
“Our research improves lives and changes the world we live in for the better. The REF results recognise the importance, quality and impact of the research we do.  As incoming Vice Dean (Research) I want to thank Tony for leading the faculty to a fantastic set of results and for leaving Faculty of Engineering Sciences Research in such great shape.”