
UCL Cancer Institute


Bill Lyons Informatics Centre team

Centre Lead: Dr Javier Herrero

Javier Herrero

Email: javier.herrero@ucl.ac.uk
UCL profile:

Prior to joining the UCL Cancer Institute, Dr Herrero was based at the as coordinator of the Ensembl project and leading the Ensembl Comparative Genomics team. He has participated in the functional interpretation of the results in the ENCODE and 1000 Genomes projects as well as in the analysis of many of the mammalian genomes sequenced in the last few years.

Dr Herrero completed his PhD at thein 2004. His work focused on the analysis of gene expression patterns. In addition, Javier developed the GEPAS (Gene Expression Pattern Analysis Suite) server.

Dhruva Biswas
Dhruva Biswas - MB PhD student, Translational Cancer Therapeutics LaboratoryÌý(Sep 2016 - )
Email: dhruva.biswas.15@ucl.ac.uk

Dhruva is as a PhD student in Charles Swanton’s laboratory, starting in September 2016. Alongside his pre-clinical medical studies at the University of Cambridge Dhruva undertook computational projects in cellular electrophysiology, translational neuromodeling, and neuronal networks. As an MB PhD student at University College London Dhruva is interested in translating principles and approaches from theoretical neuroscience to cancer bioinformatics, specifically contributing to the understanding of tumour evolution.

Lucia Conde
Lucia CondeÌý- Research Associate (Jun 2015 - )

Lucia completed her PhD in 2007 at UAM (Madrid, Spain), working on the development of bioinformatics tools for the analysis of genetic polymorphisms. In 2008 she started a joint postdoctoral position at the International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA, USA) and the University of California, Berkeley (CA, USA) under the supervision of Drs. Eran Halperin and Christine Skibola. Since 2009, she has continued her work at Dr. Skibola's group at UC Berkeley, conducting statistical and bioinformatic data analyses on population studies with a major focus on Non Hodgkin's lymphoma and other haematological malignancies.

Lucia joined Dr. Herrero's group at the Bill Lyons Informatics Centre at the UCL Cancer Institute in June 2015. She is interested in studying the genetic basis of complex diseases and the interaction between genetic, environmental and epigenetic factors, and translating these findings into personalized medicine.

Chuling Ding
Chuling DingÌý- PhD student (Dec 2018 - )
Email: c.ding@ucl.ac.uk

As a PhD student, Chuling is interested in new methodologies to study cancer evolution using single cell data and epigenomic data. She will be mainly focusing on the dataset from the CRUK Glioma Cellular Genetics Resource (GCGR) and the Small Intestinal Neuro-Endocrine Tumours (SI-NETs) project.

Before starting at the BLIC, she completed her MSc Cancer project in Tariq Enver’s lab at UCL Cancer Institute, working onÌýalternative transcript usage in childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

Stephen Henderson
Stephen HendersonÌý- Research AssociateÌý(Apr 2014 - )

Stephen’s recent work has been in Viral Oncology, including Kaposi Sarcoma and HPV tumours like Cervical and Head and Neck, though he has also worked with many others within UCL and beyond on a variety of papers and projects. Stephen’s broad interest is in mining the public tumour databases for hidden patterns - particularly mutational signatures related to innate immune responses (e.g. AID,APOBECs) and disregulated DNA repair (e.g. FHIT,XRCC1). My specific skills are in programming R (OK) and Python (less OK), enough statistical know-how to avoid the Dunning-Kruger effect, sporadic unix proficiency, plus a broad but shallow understanding of machine learning and other bioinformatics tools.

Garima Khandelwal
Garima Khandelwal - Research Associate (May 2018 - )

Garima completed her PhD in Computational Chemistry from IIT Delhi where she developed energy-based signatures for deciphering prokaryotic genome organization. She did her postdoc in Dr. Crispin Miller’s group at Cancer Research UK, Manchester Institute. Her main project was to develop a method to identify long non-coding RNAs folding into similar structures. During her time at CRUK-MI, she has also worked on NGS data from melanoma and lung cancer.

She joined Prof. Herrero's group at the the UCL Cancer Institute in May 2018. She will be majorly focusing on the analysis of whole-exome data from the national NCRI Multiple Myeloma clinical trial with Prof. Kwee Yong and to identify how transcription factors, chromatin modifiers and non-coding RNAs act to regulate cell differentiation with Prof. Richard Jenner.

Hoang (Mark) Tran
Mark TranÌý- PhD student (SepÌý2018 -Ìý)

Email: hoang.tran.17@ucl.ac.uk

Prior to joining the UCL Cancer Institute, Mark worked on retinal stem cells in Rachael Pearson’s lab at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and completed a MRes in Stem Cells and Development Biology. As a PhD student in the UCL Cancer Institute, he is mainly interested in finding novel ways of mapping subclonal copy-number, gene expression and methylation events onto tumour evolutionary trees.


Former members

Krupa Thakkar
MSc student:ÌýMayÌý- SepÌý2019

Rachel Rosenthal
PhD student, Personalised Medicine Group:ÌýOct 2014 - NovÌý2019

Watcharaporn Tanchotsrinon
Research Associate:ÌýJuly 2018 - Sep 2019

José Afonso Guerra-Assunção
Research Associate:ÌýFeb 2016 - Sep 2019

Cecilia Wieder
Undergrad student:ÌýSep 2018Ìý- AprÌý2019

Mariana Buongermino Pereira
Research Associate, Attard lab: Jan 2018 - Mar 2019

Intern: JulyÌý- DecÌý2018

Helena Vincentelli
Research Fellow, Urological Cancer Biology Group: June 2017Ìý- AugÌý2018

Po Liu
Visiting MD student, Personalised Medicine Group: Dec 2017Ìý- Mar 2018

Chela James
Research Associate, Stem Cell Laboratory: May 2016 - Jan 2018
Chela is still at the UCL Cancer Institute, but has moved down to the 5th floor

John Ambrose
Research Associate: Jun 2014 - Oct 2017
Now at

Annabel Tran
MSc student: MayÌý- Aug 2016
Visiting scientist: Sep - Nov 2016

Gerald Goh
Research Associate, Personalised Medicine Group: Oct 2014 - Oct 2016

James Barrett
Research Associate, Medical Genomics Group: Jun 2014 - Aug 2016

Arnulf Hertweck
Research Associate, Regulatory Genomics: Jul 2014 - Apr 2016
Arnulf is still at the UCL Cancer Institute, but has moved down to the 5th floor

Waqasuddin Khan
Visiting Researcher: Mar - May 2016

Da-Peng Wang
Research Associate, Stem Cell Laboratory: Mar 2014 - Jan 2016

Duke (Thanabodee) Yeh
MSc Cancer student: May - Sep 2015

Yaseen Ladak
Research Associate: Mar - Jul 2015