

UCL Careers


Employability support at UCL helped to narrow down my career options

Interview with UCL Alum, Joonsoo Yi, MA in History and Politics, shares how UCL Careers' helped him find his current role.


2 November 2021

Degree programme:MA in History and Politics
Graduation year: 2018
Current job role:Congressional Staffer at U.SHouse of Representatives

How did you get to where you are now in your career?

I think I’ve always been a ‘problem solver and someone who likes tomediate, rather than to escalate a conflict.

I also love learning aboutdifferent people (and differentcultures), which compelled me tostudy political science and to workin public service thereafter.

Without knowing anyone inWashington D.C., I had to networkwith over 70 people before securingan internship and another 200 or sopeople (staffers, elected officials,etc.) before finding a job. It’s tough,but it goes to show that you canform your own network from scratch.

լƵresources helped menarrow down my optionsand think about the thingsI’m most passionateabout.”

What skills are involved in yourcurrent role?

Integrity and hard work. There area lot of hard and soft skills involvedtoo, like research and writing skills,social intelligence, etc.

But at theend of the day, I think it comesdown to believing in what you’refighting for.And because staffers must be knowledgeable about awide variety of issue areas andthere’s always a lot to do, theyneed to be inquisitive and diligent.

How did UCL Careers help you?

Like many people, I didn’t have a clear idea as to what I wanted to do after graduation. լƵ resources helped me narrow down my options and think about the things I’m most passionate about.