

Centre for Law, Economics and Society


Andrés Palacios Lleras

Senior fellow, Centre for Law, Economics and Society

Andrés Palacios Lleras Photo
Andrés Palacios Lleras is a lawyer currently working in complex economic litigation involving competition law and economic regulation in Colombia. He has previously worked in other areas of legal practice, such as working for Colombia’s competition authority and providing council to private firms and business associations.

Andrés completed his PhD at University College London on the intellectual and political history of competition law regimes in Latin America, with special focus on Chile, Colombia and México. He co-authored and co-edited the book “Law and Policy in Latin America Transforming Courts, Institutions, and Rights” (Palgrave, 2017) and has published several chapters and academic papers on the history of competition law regimes in Latin America. He has also published on related topics, such as law and economics and private law theory.

Andrés previously taught introductory courses to law and economics and legal theory at Universidad de Los Andes, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Universidad Externado de Colombia. Besides his legal practice, Andrés teaches at the “Alberto Lleras Camargo” School of Government at Universidad de Los Andes and at the master’s program on economic law at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He also contributes regularly to blogs on competition law isuses and economic regulation.

Email Address: andrespalaciosll@gmail.com