

Eastman Dental Institute


UCL Eastman lecturer shortlisted for IADR’s young researcher award

14 March 2017

Fredrico Moreno Sancho

We are delighted to announce that , Clinical Lecturer in Periodontology, has been shortlisted for the 2017 IADR .

Federico is one of eight finalists and was selected in light of his study looking at how changes in oral health following hospitalisation in a critical care unit (CCU) may affect the quality of life of patients.

This project was a collaboration between UCL Eastman, the Bloomsbury Institute for Intensive Care Medicine (Dr David Brealey) and the Critical Care Unit at UCLH.

The Award recognises young investigators with original research in oral disease prevention or oral health promotion - within 10 years of their first academic appointment.

, Head of Periodontology, said: “This is great news and deserved recognition of Federico’s work which highlights the possible risk to a person’s quality of life through a deterioration in oral health after CCU admission"

“We look forward to hearing his follow-up oral presentation at the IADR General Session & Exhibition in San Francisco (USA) and wish him luck against his competitors”